Saturday 21 November 2015

My Lord Hymn, written by Arose and Pennyrose

Chorus: My Lord Jesus Christ  I’m here 2x

V1: You have shown us the way to your kingdom of christ
      Be our guiding light in our life

Chorus: My Lord Jesus Christ I’m here 2x

V2:You will wipe away the tires from our eyes
    And will always be there by our side.

Chorus: My Lord Jesus Christ I’m here 2x

V3:There are other people in this world who need your help
So give them all the strength you've got

By Arose And Pennyrose   

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Our All Souls Cross

Arose decorated this cross and we have recorded names of some of our loved ones who have passed away. This is so that we can remember and pray for them on the Feast of All Souls and through November.  Thanks Lucy and Jham for your help too


Tuesday 13 October 2015

All Black Nehe Milner-Skudder's reply to Jose

Hi Jose,

Thank you for the message of support mate.

Here are the answers to your questions:

It's awesome to be playing with the greats of not only NZ rugby but world rugby. These are guys that aspire to be like , a lot of legends who I used to watch on TV. Its a dream come true to be able to learn off these guys and also take the field and play alongside them. I still pinch myself everyday to make sure it's real.

One of the incredible things about playing rugby is the travelling we do and the cool places we visit. This Is my first time to the UK and I have loved every minute of it so far. I was a bit worried about the weather as I had heard it gets really cold here but luckily it's been really nice and warm. (Hope it stays like this).

I used to look up to a lot of players and I still look up to a lot of players now. I used to enjoy watching Christian Cullen when I was little. He was an awesome player who was really fast and used to score lots of tries. Now I look up to the guys in my team, they are all legends of the game and some of the best players in the world.

Yes I really enjoyed sports when I was younger and still do. I liked to play touch football. The skills I picked up in touch have helped me with the way I play rugby. I also played a bit of rugby league. I think team sports are good because you get to play with your friends which makes it really fun.

I was a little bit surprised with that game as were a lot of people. South Africa are a really good side , but it shows that anything is possible if you really believe in yourself and work really hard. Which is exactly what Japan did.

Hope that answers your awesome questions Jose.

Thanks again for the message and all the support,


Monday 12 October 2015

Jose has received a lovely reply from Nehe Milner Skudder

Hello, I teach Year 5/6 in St Joseph's School Pukekohe and one of my students wrote this letter for you:To Nehe...
Posted by Mairéad Gallagher on Saturday, October 10, 2015

Friday 9 October 2015

Jose's Letter

To Nehe Milner-Skudder
Hello my name is Jose, I’m 9 years old and you are my favourite rugby player. I play Winger for school and Halfback for club.

Good work making it into the All Blacks and getting your 2 tries. Also you made a great effort trying to get that try but you just couldn’t make the catch (against Argentina).

I think that you will end up being one of the greats of all rugby.You inspire kids like me and it is good you will get more games before Wiaske comes back to the team.

I have a few questions for you if you don’t mind:
Do you like being with the greats?
Is it cool travelling around?
Who was the player you looked up to?
Have you played any other sports (does not have to be international)?
Are you surprised that Japan beat South Africa?

Thank You for your time


Tuesday 22 September 2015

Oliver's Apollo Adventure

5…4...3...2...1 BLAST OFF!!!!!!!!! My heart lifted and I felt heavy,I Richard Nelson had just left New york city, NASA University to take a trip to the moon. Miles were set ahead of us as we exited the atmosphere. I began to float and everything else started to float as well. My best friend Paul cropper was on the spacecraft with me and we were both nervous of the journey to come. It was the end of the night when we had to go to sleep and when i tried to brush my teeth the toothpaste and water floated away. Paul laughed at me because apparently you weren't supposed to brush whilst in space. As I hopped into my stretcher I noticed I had a window next to me. The universe looked like all the good things mixed together but better. And earth… Holy moly it was tiny, it was the same size as an ant as we went further and further away. It felt like i was going to fall when I looked down from the window. 

Finally I drifted off to sleep and dreamt of the journey ahead. I awoke with an alerting start. We were all called into the (living area) to be told the exciting news…” Ok everybody said the captain, here’s the news… we are only 1 mile away from the moon and we are all going to have turns to go up the front window and take a look.” Yay we all cheered, and soon we were all lining up to have a look at the close up moon. It was a spectacular sight and soon we would be landing. The captain told us to put on our astronaut gear because it takes a long time to put everything on. After I had put everything on including my oxygen tank I was told that we were landing. Again we counted down 5…4...3...2...1… LAND!!!! 

(Booofff) went the bottom of the ship as we hit the moon's surface. Fortunately we had to all go in groups of three so I went with Paul and another Astronaut. We were the second group to be let out so we all checked our masks and oxygen. The dune buggy was already on the moon with the other group so we waited for them to come off the moon before we went on. They came off and…, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I flew and flew and flew. It was the most decadent feeling ever. But then something happened, I heard a crack and creak and before I knew it, the rocket collapsed and fell on top of me… I was blacked out and shocked as I looked around to see if Paul was there… He was not there I desperately called through my radio in my mask “ Maday Maday Is there anyone there MAYDAY!” Suddenly I found a hand stick up from under the rocket’s nose… It was Paul. I pulled the hand as hard as I could to try and Drag his body out from the under the rocket. (Plop) I dragged him out and pulled him onto my shoulder. “Are you OK” I cried desperately into my microphone?. “Yeah kind of… where are we” said Paul?. “We are on the moon and we need to get out of here fast or we will start suffocating”I cried suddenly feeling vulnerable. 

We sat for sometime feeling helpless, frightened and shocked,we watched as our rocket ship began to tear and break apart.We could see no other survivors and i began to feel very homesick.Paul had been injured and was beginning to lose consciousness I think he may of had some internal bleeding but I couldn’t help him without taking his mask off. Soon I was going to be all by myself on the moon my oxygen wasn’t going to last long and I had no chance of getting back home unless something surreal happened. I looked at my oxygen meter and saw it was going down 

Quickly I said a prayer and closed my eyes. “ MORNING, TIME FOR SCHOOL!” I opened my eyes and I was in my bedroom in my bed all snuggled up to my duvet in Pukekohe. “WHAT!” I said. It had been a dream, and thanks to that dream I no longer want to be an Astronaut when I grew up. I’ll be content to look at the moon through a telescope

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Jham's Character Description of Violet Beauregarde from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Violet Beauregarde
Violet beauregarde is a female medium size girl that has tan coloured skin. She usually wears blue pants and a blue jacket. She has dark blue eyes and she has a cherry coloured cheek and red lip like a tomato.

Violet was the third person to find the golden ticket,.When she got the ticket she started being a show-off and she was saying “hey everyone look at my golden ticket! When I am going to win the competition I know that Mr Willy Wonka will give me all the flavours of the chewing gum”.  
Violet Beauregarde beat world record for chewing gum, for three months! Violet was pretending to be Veruca Salt’s friend because Violet is afraid she will win the competition. Violet Beauregarde was the second person to lose the competition. Mr Willy Wonka discovers that  she was unfriendly and aggressive.

Violet got out of the competition by eating a bubble gum but it was not an ordinary gum. ,Violet ate the gum and then she turned into a Giant ball and Violet’s face turned dark blue. Mrs Beauregarde was shocked she said “What have you done” Willy Wonka said “Little girl you are going to the Squeeze Squeezing machine”.

When everyone got out off the competition Violet said “Look I’m flexible” Mrs Beauregarde said “I know but your face is blue”, then left the factory with a cross face. Violet definitely provides us with good entertainment.

Overall Violet is an interesting character but probably needs to learn a few lessons about treating people with more respect.

Amanda's Poem

A beautiful  butterfly will fly in the air  
Hover over,look down and stare
She spreads her wings and floats
Like a big sailing boat
And as it grins and smiles smiles smiles
It spreads over for miles miles and miles
Making no sound but a ting
She twinkles like glittering bling
A beautiful  butterfly  is always there

Saturday 5 September 2015

Te Ao Kori

For our cultural block on Friday we played Māori Stick Games and String Games.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Area and Perimeter of Irregular Shapes for Week 7

Just remember Room 5, here in NZ we say the area in cm or m squared e.g.
Length = 6cm
Width = 4 cm
Area = 24 cm2

Wednesday 29 July 2015

RE: Story Jumper Books about Famous Early Church Members

In our RE Church Strand we are learning about the Early Church.
At the moment we are writing stories about the Early Church leaders and members, using Story Jumper.
Click on the link below to check out our books in progress.

Room 5 Story Jumper Class Collection

The password is Room5ive

Thursday 16 July 2015

Room 5 Poetry

Fear Poem
Fear is a dark purple colour
Fear tastes like salad with old vinegar all over it
Fear smells like smoke
Fear looks like an empty room with flickering lights and one chair
Fear makes me too scared to move
By Matteo

evil stairs
Evil stairs break under you, letting you fall for meters
Evil stairs throw you out of the window at 50 KM a hour
Evil stairs eat you up in their jaws of death
Evil stairs creak like a fire alarm when your trying to escape mum’s wrath
Evil stairs rob you all the time
This is why you get a one-storey house
By Matteo

Jumping sun
Jumping sun bounces all day.
Jumping sun Jumps so fast people don't know if it's day or night.   
Jumping sun chomps all the stars like a kangaroo with loin jaws.
Jumping sun jumped so high it got sucked into a black hole.
Jumping sun... wait there is no jumping sun any more!   
By Claire

Star Dog Limerick
There once was a dog called star.
He liked to eat at a Bar.
He then saw a bone.
And set the star tone.
And then got his own flash car.
By Georgia

Violent TVs

Violent tvs makes you blind
violent tvs are very bright
violent tvs gobble youR remote
violent tvs go to the dvd shop
look out for violent tvs or they will haunt you
don't put violent tvs in your room because they will haunt you
By Robin

My happiness poem

Happiness is yellow.

It tastes like a pile of sweets.

Happiness smells like a delicious cake.

Happiness looks like lots of happy people.

Happiness looks like people laughing and giggling.

Happiness feels like you did something right.
By Ella

So mad

I'm so mad that I  could blow off the roof.
I’m so mad that I will kill you.
I’m so mad that the world will blow .
I’m so mad that all the walls will come down.
I’m so mad that all the trees will come down.
By William Lie

Lucy's Emotions Poems
Happiness is blue.
It tastes like a blueberry pie.
Smells like a chocolate cake,
And sounds like bird’s chirping
It makes me feel like a lovely girl.

Sadness dark black
It tastes like a crushed pavlova.
It smells like burnt toast.
It looks like a dark black night and sounds
Like people crying.
It makes me feel like an upset lady.

Pretty Moons

Pretty moons smile happily.
Pretty moons play games with their friends.
They like to draw pictures.
They do not like to do maths.
Pretty moon’s do not like running.
By Ruru

Edyn's Limerick
There was a old man from China,
Who loved putting on eye liner,
He was so very mean,
It caused quite a big skeem,
And oh he was such a big whiner.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Home Learning Challenges Feedback

Dear Parents,
We would really appreciate some feedback about how you have found Home Learning Challenges this term.
Please click on the link below to complete a short google form.

Home Learning Challenges Feedback

Thursday 18 June 2015

Farewell Miss Hammond

Thank you Miss Hammond for all your hard work these last weeks. 
We will miss you in Room 5. 

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Google Forms Surveys

Room 5 students have used google forms as a tool for carrying out statistical investigations.

They have then tried to analyse the data. Here is one very good example.

David's Survey Analysis

Monday 25 May 2015